Divorce & Family Law Firm

Serving Boulder, Denver & All of Colorado

There's more to family law than divorce.

"Even years later, I think back with so much gratitude
for your calmness in the face of my total grief and feelings of helplessness .
You are reasonable and honest and brilliant in the court room."
Referral Of Divorce And Family Law Attorney Boulder Colorado
- Jenny M.

General Inquiry: Please use the Contact form further down the page or call 720-722-0948.

To Meet with Bruce Wiener: Please use the Intake Form directly below.

Covid Precautions:  All legal services, including client meetings, are currently being conducted remotely via Zoom and phone. For more information about court operations, please visit the Colorado Judicial Branch website.

Please fill out the Intake Form to begin the process
of scheduling a consultation.

You will receive an email within 24-hrs upon submission of the intake form with a link to schedule the initial consultation

Intake Form

  • Please provide your legal first and last name
  • Please provide the opposing party’s legal first and last name
  • Please provide a safe email address to reach you
  • Please provide a safe phone number to call
  • Please provide the address of your primary residence
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Existing Clients or General Inquiries can email us below:

General Inquiry Contact Form

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.